Thursday, August 10, 2017

Day 39 Taradale to Havelock North 10 Aug 2017

Walked by Mike 888.4km Walked by Idol 570.1km Walked by Toby 335.4km Funds raised $9045.

Another fine day in Hawkes Bay.  It started out blue and while cloud came over later it was still warm.

First an update for yesterday.  These are the children from Westshore School proudly displaying their teddy's.
First task of the day was to bank the collection from yesterday and take on the third visit to Taradale Branch the official photo.
Next stop was EIT where I collected for about 15minutes until shortly after 9am the number of people dropped off.  I was now 20 minutes late. Just before the Tutaekuri River bridge I manage to drop my route notes - quite frankly they were of limited use today as I knew the route -  which got changed a bit to maximise donations and time just didn't seem to matter.

Next stop was Silky Oak where a cheque was given by the management and generous donations by staff. Toby was put in the car here as the walk through to Hastings had no footpaths.
 Crossing the expressway turned out to be easy as the lights created a gap in the traffic at tjust the right moment.  By the time I got to Papakowhai Store I was feeling a bit low on energy.  I grabbed a sausage roll and kept on walking. On hind sight I should have had a sit own for 5 minutes as I nevr made up any pace all the way to Stortford Lodge.  Idol was very naughty and chased a flock of sheep down the fence line. As I approached the next field I saw all the tiny lambs in the next field I put him on the lead and worked hard on control so he didn't bark.

John had gone ahead and walked back across the Ngaruroro River bridge and to show me an alternate route through a dog exercise area and across the old Ngaruroro bridge - the river was diverted to the location of the new bridge.Just before the end of the new bridge Mario from Stortford Lodge branch met me and walked with me to Stortford Lodge.  Very little collection opportunity on this leg of the trip.

After the offical photo at Stortford Lodge I sat down for a cuppa and sent John to get some food.  He got a really divine charcoal chicken wrap.
The afternoon walk included several vet clinics and pet shops and the dogs now have a mountain of treats to choose from.  It took a great deal of will power (and the knowledge I wasn't carrying any of my money) to get me past Rush Munro without stopping.

On arrival at Hastings Branch 5 staff Cheryl, Leanne, Kirsten, Fiona and Chav were waiting to walk with me. So after a drink of water and the mandatory photo we were off.
Not much was collected walking through Hastings but on a whim I stopped at Green Door garden centre and again scored on donations.
From there it was a wander through Havelock North village to the branch.  John then had me walk a short way up Napier Rd to visit another vet centre and yes more donations.

Sorry if this reads a bit like an advert.

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