Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Day 38 Bayview to Taradale 9 aug 2017

Distance walked by Mike 867.1km walked by Idol 551km walked by Toby 323.5km funds raise $8,676km

I woke this morning to rain on the roof.  By the time I was dressed and ready to walk the dogs it had stopped and started again seconds after I was back inside having walked and fed them.  The rain the continued until a few minutes before I was ready to walk.  Apart from a few spots near Greenmeadows it remained fine until after walking for the day had finished.

I had arranged to do a chat with The Hits Breakfast Show at 8:30am when they hadn't called by 8:40 I started walking anyway to then have them call while I was walking.  If I had started walking on time I would have been in the 70kph when they called and traffic noise would have been less.  I really happy with the interview with Adam and Sarah.

I found myself hitting town without a poo bag in my pocket but fortunately Toby had gone very early in the walk before I hit town. I let the dogs run free through the reserve between Bayview and Westshore and then swapped dogs for the short distance to Westshore Inn where Pat McGill had organised morning tea for me.  It was then off to Westshore school where Travis Hunt, Campbell Mosley, Destiny Walter, Dee Dee Riley, Hunter Byers and Kyzer Shaw pupils at the school joined me as far as Ahuriri.  They were a delight to walk with but alas were not walking as fast as I would like so I arrived at Ahuriri at the time I planned to arrive at Napier branch.  Pat had waned me to visit a couple of businesses where he was optimistic of a large cheque but I didn't have the extra time.  I hope Pat manages to collect the cheques and while they won't get added to my total they will still help Cancer Society.

Pat had been planning to walk with me to Taradale but discovered on the walk from Ahuriri over the hill to Napier he couldn't keep up my pace.

I had hoped for a half hour to meet staff and have a cuppa at Napier but with running late I cut the break down to just time for a cuppa and a photo.

Dog people will recognise Bex Hollland and Aero.  To the extreme right i Pat McGill eitherside of me are Tracey and Carrie who walked with me a little way. I think it is Jake with the hivis vest but I may have him and Dan confused.  Bex, Jake and Dan walked with me to Taradale.  Bex is a champion collector and John Lane used his contacts as well so we finished up going into many stores and collecting funds.  I was not in the least worried about being an hour late arriving at Taradale as the money in the bucket was worth it.

People's reactions are interesting
- those who view me as a beggar shooting a con story and walk quickly on
- those who are cancer survivors and delighted to give
- those who start out in disbeleif I have walked over 800km and then when they do believe dig out their wallets.
- and of course the easiest to collect froms are the ones who have heard the story through media and are ready to give

Toby was quite relaxed today once on thefootpath and happy to walk - no need to drag him out of his crate. The feet on both dogs are holding up well.

Tonight I am staying with Tyler and Sarah Ashworth and their nearly 2 year old son Chuck.  Chuck is a delight.  He loved playing with the dogs though I did get anxious when he came near Toby with the broom. The dogs were inside all evening and I nearly forgot to feed them.  They are sleeping in my room tonight but so far have stayed off the bed.


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