Saturday, August 5, 2017

Day 34 Mohaka to Kotemaori 5th August

Walked by Mike 793.9km walked by Idol 500.3km walked by Toby 389.8km funds raised $8,239 (no change but there are donations in the bucket still to count)

For the first time since the restart it was a fine day. I was shedding clothes for most of the day. I was reluctant to take off my parka as there were clouds in the sky but in the finish it was just too hot going up hill with it on.  Today was a difficult day - almost none of it flat.

First was another 50m of climb from Mohaka Township Rd to the top of the hill. Toby and I on fresh leg made mince meat of this. Then a 230m descent over 4km to Mangaturanga River. I stopped in the middle to take a photo.  With Toby fussing and the phone not co-operating it took forever and then a truck (only a small one) came. That was enough for Toby who slipped the collar but was then very good about letting me put it back on again. Here is the photo which is not probably worth the effort
Shortly after the bridge idol took over. The road climbs 70m to Raupunga where a family called me over to make a donation.  Mum and dog walked with me the few hundred metres to the end of town. The rod then descends 80m to Mohaka River bridge. This is a curved bridge and with downhill approach both sides I felt safer with Pankaj driving behind me. I sometimes think I would get a lot more donations if the support vehicle always drove behind me as almost always it is done one of the delayed drivers gives a donation. I would hate having a vehicle behind me all the way.  The solitude is part of the pleasure. A quick stop for bacon and egg pie (yum) and a bit of a panic because we couldn't find my sandwiches which had slid under the seat and then Pankaj drove behind me until past the Railway Viaduct
From Mohaka bridge at 27m above sea level the road climbs (with a couple of 50m dips) to 297m a  few kilometres after Kotemaori Settlement.  Idol continued walking with me to Mohaka Coach Rd (nap number 1) then Toby to Kotemaori Settlement Rd (nap number 2).  Then Idol joined me to the finish.  My spirits lifted considerably once I started on the final down hill of 120m.

So all up about 500m of climb and 520m of descent. I think I thoroughly earned the ice cream at Tutira.  The nice women at Tutira Store said she will collect for us before I return on Monday afternoon - to gett the bucket and I think another icecream. Today's was Hokey Pokey.  Trying to decide between Boysenberry and Passionfruit for the next one.

I am wondering about the goats.  There were far fewer around today.  They only ones that came close scampered when I yelled at Idol rolling in something - the yell echoed nicely off the hill.  Are the goats trade unionists and so don't work at weekends.  Do they consider Saturday a holy day?  Or is it that there are more people hunting on a Saturday so they have learnt to lie low.

I have my first blister - a very small one on the underside of my big toe - probably a wrinkle in the sock.  I think that is punishment for my bragging yesterday. More concerning is the chaffing issue.  I had this early in the walk last year as well but it seems worse this year.

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