Friday, August 4, 2017

Day 33 Wairoa to Mohaka 4 August 2017

Total distance walked by Mike 768.6km Walked by Idol 485.7km Walked by Toby 378.7 Funds raised $8,239

Today I had already planned a later start at 9am as getting to Wairoa by 8:30am looked like a mission. As it turned out after we had bought Petrol, banked the takings from the bucket and then visited Wairoa Star for some publicity photos it was almost an hour late when we hit the road. Both dogs walked the short distance through Wairoa and then Toby walked alone for the first shift. The day was divided almost evenly between them but with Idol doing 0.1km more (and fortunately almost all the bits with goats)t

Toby had found something aromatic to roll in during his early morning exercise which I didn't wash off until the end of the day. The rain kept away for most of the day with just short showers. It is raining consistently now but we are dry in the motel.

The route diverted from State Highway 2 up Kiwi Valley Rd which gave a 2km break from the traffic on a gravel road.  Apart from Pankaj the only traffic was a farmer on a 4 wheeler,  I was hoping to stop traffic on the one lane bridge but there wasn't any.  I still feel a pit peeved my escorts earlier in the trip where there were 1 lane bridges with traffic wouldn't let me do them alone and have the power trip of stopping the traffic on my own.

The stream and rail bridges at Ohinepaka.  The stream bridge is under repair after something large hit the side doing a lot of damage.  There was 1 lane working so I just slotted myself into the queue in front of Pankaj in the car and held the traffic back behind me over both bridges.  Road works do come with convenience of stopped traffic that makes collecting easier. This was the first time for quite a long distance that Toby has been the dog with me where it as necessary to stop the traffic.

Pankaj and I had a heated conversation about where he was parking the car - on side roads.  I was adamant that the car needed to be out there advertising me as I had got feed back last time that people weren't sure what I was doing so didn't give.   It seemed to work as on one occasion a person stopped and tucked a note into the edge of the wing mirror. Pankaj is now leaving a bucket on the bonnet but there have been no donations put in it while he has been walking with me.

There was 1 lot of goats while I was walking with Toby that fortunately ran away from the road rather than just running ahead of us so I didn't hav Toby's prey drive making him drag on the lead with all his impressive power for only 25kg.  Then I came across this sign.

There were plenty of goats after the sign for certain but no more that around Whakaki yesterday where there was no sign - and they seemed to have decided the railway line was a far safer corridor than the road - this may cause havoc when the log trains start running to Wairoa. Idol was very happy to driver them ahead of him along the railway line while remaining on the verge himself.

The climb over the hill separating the Wairoa valley from Waihua Valley is twisty with very little shoulder and armco barriers getting in the way.  I had to stop for every vehicle as Toby would duck under the barrier as they went past.  For a scared little dog he dies very well.  Both dogs will be rewarded with saveloys with their dinner tonight. 

The other major bridge of the day was the Waihua River.  I got internet coverage just as I approached the bridge and Pankaj seeing me stopped, checking Facebook posts, came back thinking I needed an escort.  Here is Idol showing off his training on crossing bridges - without a command from me.
The last kilometre of todays walk was a 140m climb which left me feeling pretty knackered.  Just at the start of the climb Idol found a lot of pine cones - I threw one I'm not kicking pine cones unless it is on the flat.

Tonight Pankaj and I are staying at Wairoa Motel who are not charging us.  Please if you are wanting a motel in Wairoa use them.  We made use of the spare that took away the stiffness.

I haven't mentioned blisters yet this trip - because I don't have any!!!!!

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