Monday, August 7, 2017

Day 36 Kotemaori to Tutira 7 Aug 2017

Walked by Mike 818.3km walked by Idol 515.9km walked by Toby 398.6km funds raised about $8,500

Sunday was a rest day in Napier. Idol and Toby very much enjoyed the visit to the Cathedral with lots of pats.  The bucket also got a healthy boost - thanks very much to the congregation.

After a very pleasant lunch at Milk and Honey Pankaj and I cleaned out the car (well to tell the truth Pankaj did 90% while I was toileting the dogs).   Then I took Pankaj to the airport and spent the rest of the evening catching up on work emails and doing the RallyO Link results. Karen did agility and flygility for me - thanks very much.

This morning in spite of my best endevors I was 15minutes late getting to Jude Holland's house.   Two seats need to be removed to get the crate that Bex lent to Jude for Mischief into the car.  First one came out in seconds but even after reading the manual (last domain of the desperate)  I took ages to work out how to get the centre rear seat out.

By the time petrol had been bought and food found we were rather late heading out of Napier. It was a blue sky and I set off without a parka on from Kotemaori at 9:04 am - 34 minutes late with Toby on the lead. The first 3km were uneventful but then came the Waikare Gorge.  The down hill wasn't too bad - the trucks we met were all at places where there was a little room between white line and the armco barrier.  The bridge went well with no traffic coming towards us and Toby keeping to the ledge.  The uphill into Putorino was much more difficult.  The cliff is on the right hand side with a narrow muddy shoulder - down to 20 or 30 centimetres in places.  By stopping when the down hill trucks came Toby and I negotiated this safely.  This is a precursor to the road through Devils Elbow tomorrow which is just as difficult but goes on for much longer. Jude had done a good job parking in a prominent point near the bridge and at the top of the gorge so the truck drivers were all aware I was ahead which helped hugely.

Idol was then brought out and walked until the first rest break at the corner of Motuhoura Rd.  Seems this is the only photo I took today. I was going to take some of Motuhoura River bridge but I had Toby with me and didn't want to stop unless a truck came and freaked him. As it turned out this was the last time Toby walked today as when I went to swap at Tutira he refused.
The next section of the walk included a narrow railway underpass where I needed Jude to escort me.  When I got there Derek Craven was with Jude - he had gone past on the way to Napier while Idol was having a dump. Luck was with me and no traffic came as we went through the rail underpass.

The section of road around Lake Tutira is twisty and in places very narrow.  I had decided that Toby probably wouldn't want to do the narrow road and was planning to give hime 2 or 3 km before Tutira but Jude went straight through to Tutira Store (poor communication on my part).and while I only meant to walk Toby the 1km to where the road got narrow he was on strike and climbed to the back of the crate when I opened it.

Just after Tutira Store I got a phone call from Vodafone saying I hadn't paid the bill.  Since it has been on direct debit for years I have no idea why they haven't taken the money and I couldn't get to tlak to a person.  They will be getting a rude email.

There were 2 spots along the lake shore where I decided to put Idol on a lead but most of the way he managed just fine.   I think he will be a champion through Devil's Elbow tomorrow.

The dogs got a run around at the rest area and then back to Lea and Bruce's house - where I fell asleep.  Dinner was wonderful.  Resisted the temptation to take a photo.

Chaffing is now under control but alas I have second blister

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