Monday, July 31, 2017

2 Days to go

Written 31 July between 10 and 11pm.

Distance walked by Mike 687.8km walked by Idol 447.7km walked by Toby 321.9km.This is all from 2016 - haven't started this years total yet.  Funds raised $7,652

 It has been an interesting week.  Gisborne Herald ran an article on Tuesday. This got the attention of ANZ corporate communications who I was having trouble engaging.  Several press releases have now been prepared and a video filming team may spend 2 days with me in 3rd week.

Liz Tolhurst was looking forward to the adventure of traveling with me for the second week but her husband became ill and she had to cancel.  I think that I have things in place now - thanks very much to John Lane for pushing this to all the Hawkes Bay clubs.

On Sunday afternoon Fiona took me out to the airport to collect the car.  Thanks very much to Josie at Ace Rental Cars for sorting everything out so efficiently.  On Monday morning (today) I took the car into Frampton Signs who have placed the sign on the back. My concern about perhaps the photo wasn't high enough resolution appears to be correct - but also there are restrictions on how much of the window can be obscured. 

   Somehow packing the car, doing the dishes and a little tidying up took forever at it was after 11am when I headed off.  First stop doctors to collect a perscription since I don't have enough pills to last the trip - the request I sent on Tuesday hadn't arrived.  Lovely Linda got it all fixed in 10 minutes then after a trip to the chemist off to get Pankaj.  Pankaj cooked me lunch and showed me around his house in Taita.  I put Idol and Toby in the back yard -  Toby true to form kept jumping over the gate - he is definitely over last years injury.

The trip to Gisborne was mostly uneventful - apart from Toby deciding her had to chase the sheep in the vineyard next to Roy's Hill Reserve which Toby saw before I did. He is ever so much better behaved than he used to be - came back in less than 5 minutes but knew he had been naughty.  In squeezing through the fence he had turned on his flashing light on his collar.  He wasn't coming within touching range of me - he still expects to be beaten when naughty.  Fortunately on the second try Pankaj was able to get hold of his collar and turn it off. 

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