Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Day 31 Wharerata to Tahaenui 2 August 2017

Well this is day 31 of the walk if you ignore the 365 days between when I fell over and today when I restarted.

Distance walked by Mike 714km    Idol 475.5km    Toby 347.6km Money raised $7740

Tuesday was a rest day in Gisborne.  Pankaj spent the morning getting last minute supplies. We also visited Top Kids and as a thank you for their support last year presented 2 bears.

The afternoon was spent relaxing and in the evening we took out to dinner Derek Craven and his wife Glenda Stokes and Val Craven our guest for this year in Gisborne.

Bummer of the day was spending $40 on  pair of merino gloves and then finding acrylic ones for $2. The merino were used today as it was raining.  Fine days it will be the acrylic.  

The trusty Gisborne Herald met us this morning at the start to get photos of me and the dogs.  Definitely not typical as Idol was on a lead.   The only other time today he was on a lead was 200m where there was armco barrier close to the edge of the road.  All pine cones and sticks were resisted all day.  Just one scary part between Nuhaka and Tahaenui when Toby pull really hard to get at some cattle in a paddock. The pressure was enough to make my waste belt release - but fortunately it slowed him down enough to be able to grab hold of the lead firmly and keep him under control.

Both dogs were great on bridges.  This is Idol crossing the first bridge.  Toby was equally good about staying on the ledge but he is always on a lead.

The need for Toby to be on lead was proven when we passing a paddock of cattle in Nuhaka - Toby lunged so had the buckle on the belt distorted and released.  Fortunately it slowed him down enough that I had time to grab the belt as it came loose and stop him getting to the cattle.   

The first two hours were through bush and forest on Wharerata hill.  This went easily and I made up time  from 9 minutes behind to 3 minutes late.  I felt really good and was reluctant to take a break.  The next 2 hours were descending through Morere until close to Nuhaka.  A bit of variety in the livestock here - feral goats at the top of the hill, sheep everywhere and cattle lower down. Also in Morere was this pig.

The last 2 hours along the flat to Tahaenui I found hard going.  I lost time (productively) talking to people and getting donations in Nuhaka and failed to make it up so I was 20 minutes late reaching the finish. The weather was less than ideal with light rain for most of the day with 2 or 3 spells of about half an hour each when walking was pleasant.

Pankaj and I found the general vicinity of the Holdsworth beach house OK but took a while to find the actual house.  When we did the ground looked very soft and I was reluctant to drive over it unless absolutely certain it was the right place. I rand Sheila but her phone was off so we spent 30 minutes sitting at the roadside till Sheila rang me.

Dinner was very good.  A dahl soup: a spinach and paneer dish plus cauliflower and rice and to top if off apple crumble.  The interactions between Priscilla, Sheila and Pankaj over the cooking were rather amusing. 

The internet here is patchy. I started the blog last night but lost internet halfway through.Ignore the time stamp put on the blog by the web service.  It is in California.

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  1. Well done Mike. Hope the ankle isn't giving too much pain.

  2. Go Mike! Stay safe, and remember: pine cones are for burning not kicking.
