Sunday, July 23, 2017

Count down to restart

When interviewed by the Gisborne Herald last year I said I would be back.  On 2 August at 9am Toby, Idol and I will restart the walk from the spot it stopped.

Michelle Guest at Cancer Society in Wellington has been trying to convince me that video blogging is the way to go.  I have done two tries and I am far from convinced of my ability to master the art.
Judge for yourself - take 1 - done on 18 June.
And take 2 on 16 July - decided you didn't want to see me.

Hope you enjoyed the laugh.

Last year I processed money in the bucket through the Everyday Hero donation site and collected the receipts.  IRD come back to me with $1,163.12 which has now been added to the total.  The donation page from last year has been kept open and the total is $7,502 - less than $5000 left to raise.

I need a backup for Liz as support person for week 2 as her husband is in hospital.  If you know someone who lives in Hawkes Bay, has a full drivers licence and is available from Monday 7 August till Saturday 12 August or even part of that time I would love to here from them.  I am willing to pay a small wage if that is necessary.

I am also looking for people to do 1 day each as support person for my last week from Horowhenua in to Wellington  (21st to 24th August- Someone has already volunteered for Friday).  I would also love to have people walk with me for a bit even 10 minutes lifts my spirits.

Training walks lately have been a 6km walk around the South Coast 2 or 3 times a week and a Sunday walk to Kilbirnie and back. Today near the end of the walk Idol found a pine cone in the gutter.  Even though it was on the flat by Island Bay beach and the gutter was full of sand and clearly not slippery I decided to pick it up and throw it.  Kick a pine cone again might be tempting fate.

My donation sight is

Written Sunday 23rd July at 9:42pm
(Post script - I have a dental check up tomorrow and haven't flossed in weeks.  I will get a lecture)

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