Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Day 3 - Papakura to Tuakau

Distance walked by Mike & Idol 80km walked by Toby 18.4km

Late starting today after I lost the car keys - finally found under the chair.  It was very foggy in the morning so passing on the way from Louise's place to Papakura was out of the question.

Most of the staff of Papakura branch walked the first 500m with me.  Brenda was amazing stopping people on the street and going into branches to get donations.  I think she should have her walk the whole way with me.  Toby walked the first 2km with me before hoping back in the car.  Chris had him out several times during the day and I think he enjoyed the day a lot.  Idol has taken a shine to Chris and races off to him when he sees him waiting for us.  I asked Chris to always park on the same side of the road I am on so he isn't tempted to cross the road.

5km into the walk the footpath ended  and apart from through Pukekohe and Tuakau there were no footpaths.  19.5 of the 29.3km had no footpaths.  The training around Miramar Peninsula proved it's worth and Idol never set a foot wrong. There was a lot of dead blackberry along the verge and it took Idol a while to work out to avoid it.  He is definitely feeling the stones and I will have to watch his feet.  The good thing is he diverts onto grass whenever it is available.  If he is like Rapid then it will be week 3 or 4 when I need to start using bootees.

I had asked Chris to have Toby ready when I went under the railway from Cape Hill Rd onto Edinburgh St.  Chris was toileting Toby on the stream bank off lead - he saw me coming and raced up the hill and across the road to join me,  Unlike Idol he has no road sense at all and will need to be kept on the lead at all time.

A great welcome at Pukekohe branch. Toby was is good form and smooching with the women again. I had forgotten to put his muzzle on so I kept him away from men until Chris arrived with it. Even though the tellers were busy they found time for a chat which was great.

There were roadworks with a diversion in place on the road out of Pukekohe - the joy of walking is this doesn't affect you.  Somewhere on the edge of Pukekohe Idol fond something revolting to roll in.  Fortunately it washed off in a puddle.

The rural delivery postie gave me a donation when she passed me the third time and a boy and his mum who had seen me at Papakura in the morning had a donation ready for me at Tuakau College.

Toby joined us for the walk into Tuakau.  Deb at the branch even went out and bought some afternoon tea for me.  Top marks Deb.

The mist had disappeared after Pukekohe and I was surprised to meet it on the motorway on the way to the airport.  Used the phone to check that Chris's flight was still operating.  Writing this at 8:40pm and it is showing delayed till 8:25pm.  Chris says the boarding call has been given - prayers that he makes it home tonight.

Joanne and Bevan have taken the dogs away in the car so I am dogless for the night.  I hung 2 leads off Toby just in case he takes a dislike to Bevan so Bevan can manage him without having to get close.

The windscreen has a crack. Rental policy says I have to pay for it and I didn't take out excess waiver so car could turn out expensive.

The blister popped during the day and was much more comfortable once it did that.

Where was God for me today. In all the people I met who gave me encouragement.
Where did I need God to be today - watching over Chris and making sure he gets home to Wellington

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