Friday, July 29, 2016

Day 26 - Otokorau Station to Te Karaka

Distance walked by Mike 617km walked by Idol 406km walked by Toby 277.8

Today was another day where Toby did more walking than Idol. I would like to keep this up for some time so that both dogs finish up doing roughly the same distance.

It was a wet start to the day.  Initially just drizzle but then turning to rain. Pankaj has no waterproof trousers but kept walking back to me then walking with me and finished up very wet.  The rain started clearing about 11:30 and it was quite warm the last hour into Te Karaka.

Idol's feet are looking really good - probably because I invested in large quantities of vet wrap that now may not be needed. He is enjoying his walking and running off to investigate things. I had a feel of his ribs this morning and they are a little excessively covered - I need to cut back his food as clearly the rubbish is forming a major part of his diet, oh and of course since Tuesday he has been walking less as I up the amount Toby does.

The first 11km had a lot of twisty road that required frequent crossing to stay on the outside of corners where visibility was poor.  While Idol happily goes from verge to verge on the "cross" command Toby is not consistent about doing the front cross and I often have to do pirouettes to get the lead untangled from my body.   The general trend was down hill with the end point 220m lower than the start there was a climb of 100m  over 2 kilometres - starting at the 5km point.  This photo is the old bridge over Waihuka River taken from the new bridge.

Because it was raining I didn't really take a break until it cleared and as a result felt tired much of the rest of the day.

Just after the halfway point for the day and a few kilometres before the halfway point of walk, Priscilla and Sheila Williams arrived accompanied by Peter Holdsworth.  Pankaj and I are staying with Peter and Bronwen Holdsworth tonight - along with Priscilla and Sheila.  Unfortunately Pankaj had gone ahead when I reached the halfway point so missed out being in the photo.  Sheila walked with us for a few kilometres and carried on when I decided I was running low on energy and needed lunch.

I know Idol is my favourite of the dogs, after all he is the one I have had since a tiny puppy.  I don't know if it is conscious but I always seem to have Idol with me at the key points in the journey.

Pankaj made egg bhurji for lunch today.  Considerately he left the chilli out and added it to his as he ate it.  I had used one of the ice cream containers I brought along for the dogs. A wind jut caught the container when we had nearly finished and tipped it over into the car.  Idol was put to work cleaning up the mess.

Just before McGregor's bridge  I swapped dogs for the last time and Toby did the last 6km.  McGregor's Bridge is the only one that I needed Pankaj to do escort duty on.  Only one car was delayed by my crossing.

The last few kilometres were uneventful.  There was a one way flow for road works on the main road at Te Karaka but just as I approached they opened up the road and took away the stop go so I lost a chance to collect revenue.

After a cup of tea Peter took Priscilla, Pankaj, myself, Idol and Peter's dog Max on a tour of the farm. Toby with his new disability was unable to jump up onto the ute and there was no way he was going to let anyone lift him so he missed out.  Paringahau is huge - there are about 30km of farm road, 23,000 sheep and about 1000 cattle. We also got an explanation of the Pultron fencing that Peter invented and manufactures. The fence costs a third of conventional fencing.

I am writing this blog relaxed in front of a fire with a very pleasant glass of Pinot Gris being pampered by Bronwen.

Sheila and Priscilla have mentioned the weird dates and times on the blog.  Alas I have no control over theses and they are date and time of publication - in California,

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