Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Day 18 Otamarakau to Matata

Distance walked by Mike  445..8km walked by Idol 315.4km walked by Toby 183.1km

Another sunny day.  Very pleasant walking and no issues with traffic at all.

First 100m of the day were across the Otamarakau rail overbridge.  Patrick went to the other side and slowed the traffic so there was less risk of them cutting the corner and hitting Idol and I on the shoulder.  Straight after the rail bridge was a coffee cart.  Several large donations were received and one guy gave a donation to both Patrick and I. This was all the money we got all day.

Toby was rather hot and was wading through the stagnant pools in the side of the road - 1 of which was chest deep - and was trying to pull me in as well so he could get in further. He is still limping a little so I have had his notes sent through to Joanne Allan at Opotiki and he will go to see her on Monday.   To compensate I will have to walk an extra hour on Saturday to Waiotahi rather than Kutarere so I still get to ANZ Opotiki on time.

A sit down lunch today as got to Malcolm and Mandy's place just after midday.  Pumpkin soup and toast.  Malcolm then walked the afternoon with me with Rojo and Kahli - 8.6km.

Yesterday driving to Malcolm and Mandy's house after finishing walking the car ws pulling to the left.  The park light on the left had popped again and tangled in the tie rod.  It is now a mangled mess so I need to get another from a wrecker before the trip is over.  This afternoon I got a phone call from Patrick to say there was a vibration fromleft front wheel and he thought the wheel bearing had gone.  By the time I got to the car he had found a stick jammed in the wheel and removed it.  Malcolm and Patrick then removed the wheel and cleaned ut a whole heap of rubbish while I had a relaxing cup of tea and started the blog.

Where was God for me  today - Definitely in the nice people at the coffee cart at Otamarakau
Where did I need God to be today - Making me take more time wth instructions for Patrick.  When I take the time he gets it right.  When I rush the instructions he gets confused and does the wrong thing.  

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