Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Day 17 Te Puke to Otamarakau

Walked by Mike 420.2km by Idol 299.5km by Toby 173.4km

One third of the trip done and 1 third of the total raised.  Sunny day.  What more could you want.

A relaxed start today - and I manged to take a wrong turn on the way to Te Puke and delay us.  Then  dropped into Te Puke branch to bank the bucket. Shirley rang the vets  to give me some more vet wrap for Idol on her account.  The vet nurse wanted to inspect his feet before she handed it over and gave him a clean bill of health.  There is still a tiny bit of abrasion showing on the right paw and the left looks perfect.  And Idol was running around all over the place where there were big grass areas so clearly his feet are no longer hurting and he is really enjoying the walk again.

Once out of Te Puke Idol went back into the car and Toby got first rotation.  He also did a bit in the middle and both dogs walked the last kilometre.

The publicity in the local newspapers has worked well as lots of people knew why I was walking and stopped when they saw us to give a donation.  I also came across Tim Warneford on the road today. He is now living in the camping ground at Matata and will shortly become a gypsy.

Two great moments -  a women who bought coffees for Patrick and I at Pongakawa and a Gilmour's truck that had seen me every day since Rotorua stopped and gave me some money.  Patrick also had a few people stop and offer donations.

Nasty moment of the trip so far. There is a bridge at Pukehina that had moderate visibility.  I wasn't worried about it as it was fairly short although narrow.  I put Idol on a lead because there was no room for mistakes. There was enough room for cars both ways and me but not two trucks and me.  Alas a truck each way while I was on the bridge is what  happened.  Idol panicked jumped behind me towards the truck. a tried to pull him back but he dug in where he was and his collar just came off.   Don't know who the truck missed him.  Truck drive blared his horn which suggests he got as big a fright as I did.  Hopefully next time he meets another truck and a pedestrian on that bridge he will slow down and wait.  And maybe I should have had Patrick drive across the bridge behind me like he did across Kaituna River.

Forgot to mention yesterday a thanks to Sue Andresen for supplying lunch for Patrick and I.

Where was God for me today - Keeping Idol safe on the bridge, in Idol's gamboling about and in the sunny weather.
Where did I need God today - teaching me patience when things weren't perfect

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