Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Day 16 Tauranga to Te Puke

Distance walked by me $395.3km  Distance walked by Idol 284.7km walked by Toby 161.3km

Marion told me on Sunday that the bootees were too tall and she was right.  I noticed this morning red areas with the hair rubbed off where the bootees have rubbed on his leg.  Today he walked in bare feet as far as Papamoa (19.4km) and for the last 7km into Te Puke I put wadding over his pads and then wrapped in vet wrap.  He did a real dance and prance after I did running and rolling - so now Sue is washing his coat to get the mud off - but then settled down and walked comfortably.  So tomorrow I will be at Te Puke vets to beg buy borrow or steal several rolls of vet wrap and padding.

The traffic was way lighter than I allowed for from Papamoa to Tauranga and Patrick and I got to the bank just after 8am so had time for another cup of tea before hitting the road. Only Paul and 1 other staff were visible when we left.   Patrick had problems with a grumpy person at the car park up the road who threatened him with towing.  Silly thing is if he had asked Patrick to pay the 20c charge for 10 minutes parking as per the schedule instead of threatening he would have increased revenue.

Toby hopped in the car from Dive Cres until we reached Maunganui Rd.  I don't know if I was in a better mood than yesterday or if the people in the Mount are wealthier but I got more positive responses, and a higher ratio of notes to coins than in Tauranga on Monday.   I set up the Tomtom for Patrick for the trip from Tauranga to Mt Maunganui. It has a whole  in the touch screen where a dog stood on it but it still does the job if you are patient.

All the branches put on good welcomes for me today.  Papamoa and Te Puke took photos to got on the ANZ staff website.  My own versions are below.

Mt Maunganui to Bayfair is  a straight run along Maunganui Rd so no need for navigation aids.  With collecting money I finished up 12 minutes behind at Bayfair.  Sam and Mark walked with me for a bit over a kilometre before they had to return to look after customers.

The Tomtom played up on Patrick on the trip to Papamoa.  Once it dropped the route altogether and then it sent him a long way around.  Hadn't seen Patrick for ages so I rang to find out where he was.  the answer was in a toilet dealing with a sudden bout of diarrhea - and to add inslut to injury the toilet had no paper.  The good news is he is fine and only his pride is injured.

I really pulled out all stops and managed to make up the 12 minutes over 7 kilometres.to Papamoa  Really proud of myself as I only thought I could make up 7 minutes over that time. 

From Papamoa Margaret walked with me for 6km to Bell Rd.  Toby also did that bit while Idol had his only rest of the day.

I got to the main street of Te Puke on time than met an old man who wanted to talk.  Finally fished through his wallet and came up with 30c.   Te Puke branch had fruit cake waiting (yummy).  Then Pauline form the local newspaper arrived for an interview and photos.  Once the customers had gone a mass staff photo was taken.  The women in the left whose name I have forgotten was working at Bayfair on Sunday and got the unfortunate job of counting the wet money from Rotorua.

Patrick wanted some more warm clothes so off to the warehouse.  Looked for a big red building but couldn't find one - it is at the back of the mall and you can only see it once you are inside.

The blog is rather late tonight as I have spent far to much time talking with Sue and Patrick and not enough typing.It was raining when I went out to feed out Idol and Toby.  Forecast says it will clear by 4am.  Fingers crossed.

Where was God for me today - making me feel cheerful and confident and making a much better job of asking for donations.

Where did I want go to be today - with Brian and Karen.  A very stressful day for them. My love to you both.

Post shower postscript.  I now have blister 1A ( a small blister where blister 1 was) 2 and 3 have grown in size.  Some padding will be required tomorrow.

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