Monday, July 18, 2016

Day 15 Pyes Pa to Tauranga

Distance walked by Mike 363.5 walked by Idol 258km walked by Toby 149.1 km

On Friday after the end of the walk I bought some salami. I carry it in the bucket (salami flavoured money anyone) and slip a bit to the dogs about every half hur.  A huge improvement in morale.

Today was Patrick's first day as support person.  He did a great job until the last hour.  I was behind at that point and knew a photographer was waiting for me at Tauranga.  The more I pushed Patrick the more mistakes be made. He managed to lose the directions and get hopelessly lost at the end.  I was waiting 5 minutes for him 2 blocks from the bank knowing the seconds were ticking away.  Tomorrow the route is much more straightforward and I hope he will be able to find his way. After that it is just a straight run through to Whakatane and he will have no oppurtunity to get lost. Patrick scored high marks on food provisioning.  Very happy with the food he found at Greerton.

Toby walked the first 6km.  From there Idol walked most of the day with both dogs doing the off road stretches and from Greerton to Eleventh Ave.  Once I got to Aquinas College I took the shoes of Idol and he was very happy.  Tomorrow is also on footpaths for the first 20km and I hope that his pads will have recovered and he is more comfortable on the chip seal.

Whereas on Saturday I got a small number of large donations today the donations were almost all in coin. I haven't counted the total yet but unless the Mount proves to be a bonanza then Hamilton's donation figure will not be matched.

Cherrywood branch closed recently and I didn't pick that up till Friday.  I decided to leave the route basically as it was apart from the loop up Otumaetai Rd so the walk was only reduced by half a kilometre. 

Friendly welcome at all 4 branches today (Greerton, Eleventh Ave, Bethleham and Tauranga) but the prize goes to Bethlehem who had a bottle of cold water and a chocolate fish waiting when I arrived. Somehow the photos from Bethlehem went missing so here is one at Eleventh Ave.

In the rush to get into Tauranga Branch I didn't get the muzzle for Toby.  As the photographer took close up photos he became very agitated and i had to pat him a lot to stop barking at the photographer.  Having finished he went to pat Toby but I suggested that would not be a good idea - and promptly got the muzzle for him.

One weird event today was that the back of Toby's crate came undone and some of the luggage finshed up inside his crate.  I am surprised he didn't complain about lying on my computer bag.

When I added up the distance walked today I surprised to find that Toby's  total exceeded Idol's.  He had lots of short breaks while Idol walked for 17km without a break so it seemed like he had done more.

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