Friday, July 15, 2016

Day 13 Hamurana to Pyes Pa

Walked by Mike 334.3km walked by Idol  239.8km walked by Toby 128km

Writing this sitting in Marion Pope's garden.  Had an afternoon nap and the dogs hve just had some chicken necks.

The weather gods were good and it didn't rain today but halfway through the day my feet still got cold from the moisture still in the boots from yesterday.   There was a cold wind however but it was pleasant walking when in the sun.

For the first time today Toby walked more than Idol - 16.8km for Toby 10.8 km for Idol. Being a Saturday there weren't many trucks on the road but heaps of other traffic.  I expected not to collect any money today as it was all rural but I got 3 donations -one from the Grey whanau for $110.  I waved at their cars as they went past and at the next stop a whip around was had and brought back to me.

 Cynthia parked in a driveway and the owner came out to ask what she was doing - they clearly had a long chat about the state of the road but the owner left a donation with her.  The third was from a mother and daughter who stopped as they approached me.

The road was not easy with 1 big and 2 small gorges and numerous corners requiring care. Toby did the Mangapori and Oropi gorges while Idol did the Mangorewa.  2 bridges where Cynthia had to drive behind me - and the traffic was sensible and just stayed behind.  Very please with Toby crossing the last bridge of the day over Tautau Stream.  The bridge is short but visibility isn't brilliant and he walked along a little ledge while I walked along the while line.  Very good for a dog that wanted me between him and the edge of the bridge a year ago.

I have a third blister but not very big.

Yesterday I forgot to mention I had a blue car event.  Chris Dye reckons that blue car drivers are inconsiderate.  One pulled out of a drive way in front of me yesterday - so close I was able to register my displeasure with  a kick to the drivers door.

Cynthia has now finished her week with me - thank you very much.  Tomorrow I collect Patrick from the bus to begin his week.

Where was God for me today - see the photo of his angel above. Getting a big donation when I thought this would be a day with none was a big lift for my spirits. I will be more diligent about waving to cars from now on.

Where did I want God to be today - keeping my feet warm.

1 comment:

  1. well done Mike wish you had been able to come via Taranaki but know the extra distance would make it too far.Praising God that the blue car just missed you Janice Mannex Egmont Village near Inglewood.
