Friday, July 15, 2016

Day 12 Ngongotaha to Rotorua to Hamurana

Distance walked by Mike 306.7 km walked by Idol 229km walked by Toby 111.2km

Mostly a cloudy day but cold rain the last 2 hours.

Well organised this morning andthe traffic in Rotorua is pretty light compared to Wellington so hit the road 5 minutes early with Toby doing the first shift from corner of Dansey Rd and Tarukenga Rd down to Fairy Springs Rd.  This included crossing Ngongotaha Stream on State Highway 5.  This was the first time I had crossed a busy bridge with Toby.  He normally likes me between him and the edge of the bridge but agreed to stay next to the edge.  Fortunately no trucks while we were crossing.  Toby has mostly stopped jumping when a truck passes but the odd one still gets a reaction from him.

I succumbed to the temptation of hot chocolate on the walk into town.  That warmed me up enough to take the gloves off. Very few pedestrians along Fairy Springs Rd and I only got 1 donation. On Old Taupo Rd just before turning onto highway 30A I met a group of road workers.  Initially they were a bit cheeky about Idol wearing bootees but once they new the story they pulled all the coins out of their wallets.  For the last 3 days the back pack has been slipping off my left shoulder.  Today Cynthia pointed out the strap had only 3 stitches left holding it on.

I made really good progress and got to  Rotorua Mall branch 12 minute ahead of schedule.  A good welcome and a heavier bucket (and a heavier me as they had a leaving shout on) on leaving.  After about 10 minutes in the branch I realised Toby didn't have his muzzle and had to send Cynthia for a second trip out to the car. Departure was delayed by arrival of the reported from the Rotorua Review. About now I am highly embarrassed as I have forgotten all the names - I really should write them down at the time - but 3 staff walked with me to Fenton St with the Rotorua Review running ahead and waiting for us to take photos.
The three on the left are the ones who walked with me from Rotorua Mall and the one next to me paid for the pack cover when I popped into Katmandu to replace the pack.  Realised I had left my wallet in the car.  Fortunately I had installed Go Money Wallet and now I had to make it work - which it only does if you remove the phone from the cover - Samsung please take note this is a nuisance and fix it in later models.

Samantha went home and got Daisy and met me towards the end of Arawa St and walked with Toby and I to Whitaker Rd.  By now I was half an hour late - mostly because of stopping people in the street to collect money.  Social justice thought for the day.  Along Arawa St I collected from people waiting for buses and most of them looked to be on hard times.  The well off were in their office blocks and I didn't reach them. Am I collecting from the poor to help the rich - who live longer and therefore are more likely to get cancer?

As things worked out with the dog rotation it was Idol's turn when I got to the Ngongotaha Rail Trail and so Toby missed out on a fun part of the walk again. Minor drama at Bennets Rd.  Cynthia just nudged the barrier parking the car and the front fairing on the passenger side popped off.  Cynthia didn't know this was already damaged and says she nearly cried thinking she had bent the car - admittedly only a plastic bit.  A bit of manipulation and it is back in place as before.

It was Toby's turn to walk from Bennets Rd.  At the service station in Ngongotaha I managed to collect off quite a few people.  One woman said she had no cash but would get some when she paid for her petrol.  While she was doing that a very nice man fed Toby about half a bag (small bag) of cheese balls.  Toby was more than happy to accept. 

A few minutes later the rain came down heavily and continued to rain until about 10 minutes before I stopped walking.  My waterproof trousers were in the car but by the time I caught up with Cynthia I was very wet below the parka and it seemed pointless putting them on.  The Thousand Mile socks I am using seem to suck water into the boots when it rains and my feet get really cold even though the outer layer of the sock is woollen.

Idol got to walk the last 5 kilometres - which over 100metres of climb.  I can't say he looked to be enjoying himself but nor was I.

Thinking back to walking the South Island with Rapid I stopped and bought some salami on the way to the Marriner residence.  I will see how that improves canine morale tomorrow - I might even eat some myself.  I got a mild Danish salami but I know Rapid loved chorizo so maybe I can get something tastier next time.

Alix had dinner ready shortly after I arrived.   I have then spent the evening procrastinationg over finishing the blog.  I was going to toilet the dogs when I had finished but the skies just opened again so a small delay is called for.

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