Thursday, July 14, 2016

Day 11 Ngatira to Ngongotaha (ish)

Walked by Mike 277.25km  By Idol 213.3km by Toby 97.3km

I forgot to mention in yesterdays blog that I got blister number 2 - only a little one.

Idol got to do most of the walking today as the first 14km were off road and I didn't think Toby was up to it.  I would have like to have both dogs for this stretch but Toby is still not strong enough for a bit over 3 hours in one stretch.

It rained heaps over night but by the time I started walking it had eased off to just the occasional shower.  Unfortunately the closer to Rotorua I got the wetter it became and much colder as I got higher.  At Mamaku it was alternating watery sunshine and very cold rain with the occasional hailstone.

First hazard of the morning was getting past the logging at the top of Leslie Rd. The logging crews were friendly and helpful and I only had to wait for a truck to finish loading then they said safe for me to go through.  Nobody asked if I had a permit and I acted with all the confidence in the world and all was sweet.

Once past the trucks there was a little bird life - quails, pheasants, sparrows and a fantail that followed me for a bit.  However after the next cold shower I never saw any birds again all day. I think they were smart and went into hiding.

I did meet a hunter on the road about 1km from the Mamaku end.  The road is maintained by forestry company except for the last 700m at the Mamaku end which have become a swamp.  My boots got wet here and in spite of changing socks continued to suck the heat out of my feet all day.  This photo is taken at Ngatira according to Google but I couldn't see any sign of civilization - just the intersection of two forestry roads.

Cynthia went to visit friends in Ngongotaha while I walked through the forest and brought back some newly baked blueberry muffins.

Abi walked with me for about an hour from Mamaku along Dansey Rd which was great becase it wasn't pleasant.  I gave Idol another half hour of walking along Dansey Rd and he seemed very pleased to be dried off and put to bed. I also got the one donation of the day from a woman who was waiting for us to go past so she could open her gate with dog on the other side and put her car inside.

The last 1.5km were on a very windy narrow section of road and I had to keep crossing.  Toby very quickly got into changing sides of me each time I crossed with a front cross which meant I didn't get tangled in the lead.  After dropping Cynthia off I went into Rotorua Mall branch and emailed all the branches I visit next week.  Alix Marriner made me very welcome with a cup of tea and a chair in front of the fire to warm me up.

And best news of the day - Nutro have donated enough food to feed Idol and Toby for the rest of the trip.

I have had to write standing up as I only get internet if my phone is on the widow sill and the cable is too short for me to sit down.

Where was God for me today - In my cold feet reminding me how lucky I am to have a warm place to go to at the end of the day.
Where did I want God  to be today. When feeling selfish - stopping the cold wind (he didn't) when thinking of others - with all those people who are mourning loved ones lost to cancer

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mike,
    that last paragraph brought a tear to my eye. Go safely today, I hope the sun is shining for you
