Monday, June 20, 2016

Ouch that hurt

Not a good day for either Toby or I.  On the walk this morning Toby impaled himself on something in the bush severely tearing muscle on his chest, nicking the jugular vein and puncturing the chest cavity.  We were about 1km from the car when it happened.  Toby wouldn't let me carry him but started out following me Ok.  About half way back to the car he stopped.  I tried again to pick him up but again he snapped at me.  Got behind and he got up an walked thinking I was going to touch him.  Jumped into his crate quite happily by then a red dog.

Drove to the after hours vet - arriving about 7:15 but I couldn't get Toby out of the car.  Tried to put a lead on him and got severely bitten on the middle finger of my left hand.  Eventually persuaded him to get out the car and into the vet clinic.  A blanket thrown over him so he didn't see what was happening and vet was able to sedate him.  Then got a muzzle on him.  Bandage to staunch the bleeding, and another bandage for my finger and then transferred back to Tasman St vets.

After dropping Toby off I took myself down to A&E at Wellington Hospital where I was told to sit in the red seats - highest level of triage and was seen before I had finished filling in ACC forms.  Off to X-Ray where it was established nothing was broken but the bone had been chipped.  The wound is basically a lump of flesh removed so no stitches.  It is roughly 1sqcm of missing skin so  should grow back Ok but I am on antibiotics and paracetamol for the pain.

Back to vet for a check up on Toby.  By then he had been stitched and xrayed. Established he had a pneumothorax  (air inside the chest).  He was still out under the general. Mid afternoon there was concern that he was still bleeding and there was more air inside him - so talk about transferring him to Pet Vet Lower Hutt for more surgery.  Eventually decided that this wasn't needed and so I had to take Toby to after hours vet again for the night.  He was transferred to the car with no problems but half way to Ngauranga he started whimpering and moving around.  A right royal fuss on arrival.  Refused to be carried in.  There was a lot of blood in the car.  A 45 minute row followed over re-bandaging him and then trying to get the drip line in his back foot reconnected. 

During bandaging he had let me stroke him but once in a crate an attempt was made to re-connect the drip - attached to his left hind leg.  He started snapping at me again.  While trying to get him in the corner of the crate I accidentally slipped the muzzle off during the battle.  In the finish a handling stick was used to pin him in the corner of the crate and sedatives given.  It was then established he had  bent the catheter in his leg and a new drip line had to be established.  An during this he had started the bleeding again and a new bandage was going to be needed.  Poor boy he is his own worst enemy.

I took Idol for a walk around Tawatawa Reserve during the hour I had to spare between dropping off Kate at the airport and picking up Toby from Tasman St.  There were huge puddles of dried blood everywhere where Toby had sat down on the way back to the car.  I am amazed at his fortitude in walking that far - 3 legged as weight bearing on this left front leg was too painful.

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