Tuesday, May 31, 2016

One month to go

Is it time to start panicking yet?

Still don't have a van, still have most of the accommodation to sort out and still have weeks (including the first) without a support person.  You will see there is a new photo though taken by Shirley on my phone.  This was taken after my first experience of judging at a breed club.  It was a fun day so nobody was expecting me to know the finer points of the breed standard which is just as well as I didn't have clue.  However I had fun and I hope the competitors did too.  Thanks Shirley for asking me to judge.

Saturday was an atrocious day in Wellington with really heavy rain in the morning. It was supposed to clear in the afternoon so I set out with the dogs to walk Ara Tawa a 6km (each way) path from Porirua Station to Takapau Rd station.  Just after passing Kenepuru Station on the trip south the skies opened again.  It was like being in the shower.  It only last about 3 minutes but I was drenched from the waist down and the dogs had tails between their legs and were looking miserable. Fortunately that was all the rain I got on the walk but it did threaten again towards the end,  The sections from Porirua Station to Linden Park and from Tawa Station to Takapau Rd Station are very good dog walking.  the bit in the middle is nice footpaths along roads so not so much fun for the dogs.  Toby of course couldn't help himself and took off chasing ducks right at the start.  The funny part was he had gone left and I had gone right when we got on the riverbank. Everytime he started to come back to me he would follow the path back up onto the road and of course couldn't find me so then back to chasing ducks again.

Fiona has been very busy making 48 booties for Idol.  There is no way I am going to get Toby to wear them so if his feet get sore then it will have to be ride in the van till they recover.

I have just returned from an Anglican Church discussion to follow up on General Synod.  Most of the discussion unsurprisingly was on the motion over blessings for same sex couples. The church seems to be close to paralysis on this.  I am hoping that the conservative wing of the church are genuine and not just playing delaying tactics. I may not be looking in the right places but I have yet to see a proposal from conservatives that would allow them to retain their integrity while allowing those parts of the church that want to do it to give blessings to same sex couples and to ordain clergy in same sex relationships.

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