Tuesday, June 28, 2016

It comes in threes

Things not going brilliantly for me lately.  First Toby gets injured, then the car gets sick and now Karen Dyhrberg who was going to be my support person for July 17 to 23 has had to withdraw.

Toby slept on my bed last night but he is still suspicious of me.  He is dragging nearly 3m of lead behind him so I can get him out of corners if I need to.  Last night he went in a couple of circles around a table leg.  The lead loop on itself and pulled tight so hpe was trapped with about 30cm of slack lead.  Wasn't going to let me touch him but eventually I managed to lure him back around the table in reverse direction and get him free.

When I woke up this morning there was a dog snuggled tight against my back.  I told Idol to move so I could turn on the radio - but it was Toby.  I wish I could get him to put a muzzle on when he goes out.  He is grumpy and I am frightened of him getting touched in the wrong place and biting someone. Bt the muzzle has been associated with people doing unpleasant things to him.  When I bought it I hoped it would be associated with going out and so be accepted.

I still need accommodation in Opotiki, Hastings and Waipukurau.  If you know someone who is willing to give me and my support person a bed please let me know.

Also if you have friends, relatives or enemies with a full drivers licence I need a support person for the leg from Tauranga to Whakatane.  I can pick up from and return to Rotorua or Hamilton or anywhere else of similar distance. The dates are Sunday July 17th to Saturday July 23rd.

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