Sunday, May 15, 2016

Where did that week go

I can't believe this week is over already.   No big walks this week - Saturday I got my nose stuck in a book (the first Jack Reacher by Lee Childs I had never read).  Today I had promised Mother I would take for a train ride.  I was glad it was Johnsonville today because it was nearly 2pm by the time I got to Rita Angus. We have now done all 3 Wellington suburban lines as a day out.  I still can't convince Mother that she pays those people to look after and it is perfectly Ok to ring the bell during the night if she is cold in bed.

Brian and Sarah gave a really good summary of events at General Synod.  Quite frankly I despair of the Anglican Church - all the important decisions just keep getting deferred till the next Synod.  The church is becoming more conservative and less willing to take risks.  I am bitterly disappointed that "The Way Forward" report has been stonewalled. Instead of being honest and saying what they can and can't agree to those who oppose the report are just saying - we need more time, we just aren't ready to make a decision.   The way Forward would not force anyone to carry out a blessing of a same sex relationship if they did not want to.   Why is it that the Anglican Church which says that it "cares for the last, the lost and the least" can be so far behind the general public in recognising that those in same sex relationships need to be loved and valued just as much as heterosexuals.

I have acheived almost nothing in organising my walk in the last week.  The last week I will returning to wellington each night and I am sure I can find people to do 1 or 2 days as my support person.  But I am now desperate for someone to be support person for 3 - 9 July (from Auckland to Hamilton). The job will consist of:
  • Driving the van (when I find one)
  • Helping me strap my feet each morning
  • Being in charge of food
  • Keeping in contact about every 30 minutes in case problems arise
  • Acting as escort across narrow or busy bridges
If you know somebody who might be able to do this please email me

On the plus side for the week is that St Peter's Restoration Project launches this week. The lack of maintenance in the 1970's and 80's when we were so busy opposing Viet Nam wars and apartheid has now come back to haunt us. Personally I would like to see the church sold off to a community group that would maintain it and the parish being a tenant and able to concentrate energy on peace, justice and hope for our community rather than spending huge amounts of our time and energy on maintaining a building.  I agree it is a wonderful building and it speaks of the Glory of God and I really enjoy worshiping in it but I don't feel called by God to maintain and edificae. Yes I was one of those in the 80's saying it is more important to be a prophetic voice in the city than to maintain a building - and I still think that. 

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