Tuesday, June 17, 2014

15 June Arzua to O'Pedrozo

Arzua 6am
The dilemma of the Mepilex is solved. Only one of the women with blisters was awake when it was time to do feet. I will be on my way shortly. The weather forecast to day is again for hot but by starting early I hope to finish walking by midday.

O'Pedrozo 4:30pm 20km to Santiago
I got here quickly this morning arriving at 11am. The heat hadn't started then.  Lots of thanks to Sandy a South African woman who walks very quickly.  Normally I would not try and keep up with her but wanted to beat the heat so I stepped up to her pace of 5.5km/hour for the last 7 or 8 km.  My usual pace is between 4 and 4.5km/hour.  The rest of the time I walked by myself. I hada beer with Sandy and then lunch with Eva before having a nap.  After writing this entry I will go for a walk around town and see who is about before mass and dinner.

I didn't notice the 1kg in brackets after the steak I ordered.  It was good steak but I was unable to finish it.  I asked for medium but it was still rare in the middle - hate to think what rare would have been. I had 2 glasses of wine nd then grappa so I will sleep well tonight. Joelene is in town but very tired and suffering a hangover. She didn't arrive until at 5pm and only came 15km so I think it was a very late night last night.  I know her group camped on the side of the camino.

Eva came to mass with me. It was her first time in a catholic church and add to that the liturgy being in Spanish she was lost. I wanted to was Eva and Monica's feet tonight but they declined the offer. I tink going to a hotel tomorrow will be good and bad.   For the first time since Leon I will have space for myself and I can sleep without the noise of other people or worrying that I am snoring.  But I will also find it lonely.  I have become so used to having company available in the albergue and on the camino whenever I want it. Tomorrow I will finish the camino. I don't know how I will feel. I am wondering about how to approach the cathedral.  I won't to get there ready for whatever may happen - be it euphoria or sorrow.

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