Sunday, June 15, 2014

14 June Boente to Arzua

Boente 7:30 am
After the heat yesterday I am having a short day today and just going to Arxus which was my intended destination yesterday. The walk should take 2.5 hours but as there is no need to hurry it will take much longer.  Bacon and eggs for breakfast!!! The Mepilex is getting very close to used up. I have stopped saving some for my feet and just concentrating on people with blisters on the soles of their feet as they need relief most. The folks in Spain aren't keen to talk about football after last nights 5-1 loss to Netherlands. I think Spain were unlucky to lose by that much.
Not sure where I am. Usually I have my guide book out all the time but today I have drcided to leave it in the bag until I get to Arzua and need to decide which albergue. I walked with Stephanie today. She is crying - happy for me to walk with her - but in silence. It was hard to be there and say nothing - some times silence is the hardest thing. I managed to get Eva and Sonia on Skype. Eva was a bit shy at first and just wanted to cuddle Sonia. After a bit she started making animals with play dough. The important bits are the nose and ears. This is the first time Eva has actually talked to me on Skype other than single words.

Arzua 4pm 39 kilometres to Santiago.
Nice restful day. The people I know from the Camino have mostly gone to other albergues. The Italian family have invited me to have dinner with them - pasta they will cook. Two women here have bad blisters and I only have enough Mepilex for 1 blister. How do I decide who gets it.?
I had lunch with Patsy from Ohio.She invited me to share her table. We seemed to reach agreement that the Republican party are hell bent on creating a situation in America where the state gives benefits through tax breaks to the rich while depriving the poor of the necessities of life. They seem oblivious to the impact this is having on the American economy.

I had intended to go to a bar but instead got my blog fully up to date and ate very soft chocolate.

A wonderful evening. The mass included the first blessing of the pilgrims I have received since before Leon. By the time I got back from mass Margarita's pasta was a gluggy mess but she fed me bread salami and cheese that was really nice.  Shared beer and wine and then to bed.
God I praise you for all the love I have received on the Camino. I feel unworthy of all the blessings. 

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