Saturday, June 14, 2014

13 June Palas de Rei to Boente

Church of San Juan, Furelos 55km from Santiago
I was really surprised to meet Susan on the Camino today.  I had forgotten that she was planning to do short days after Sarria and will arrive in Santiago on Monday. I had a hangover this morning which I deserve. It was too hot in the room to sleep - I don't know why all the windows were closed.  I still have 15km to go today and it is getting very hot. It will be short periods of walking between rests in the shade this afternoon.

Boente 8pm 49km to Santiago.
I stopped here about 1pm because it was too hot to carry on.I just had dinner with Carl who is staying at the other albergue here but knew nobody at it so came along on the off chance of finding someone he knew. I told him about  crisis on the Camino and he then told me a lot of his life story. I was holding his hand across the table as he talked. I don't care what others thought if they noticed but to me it was important to acknowledge the hurt he was sharing with me. I also had a long chat over lunch with Renee who was one of the original San Francisco hippies. I have booked a hotel in Santiago.  I'm feeling really happy and privileged. Spain vs Netherlands starts soon.  I will be supporting Netherlands.

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