Saturday, June 14, 2014

12 June Portomarin to Palas de Rei

Portomarin 7am
93km to Santiago
Although the Camino has finished with mountains thr entire length from St Jean Pied de Port to Santiago is across the river valleys except for 20km into  Pamplona and about 10 km at Burgos where the Camino follows a river. The hills and valleys are now lower but thete is still a lot of up and down and very little flat. Today I must climb 400m. Last night after writing my journal I met Kathleen from Canada.  Haf a pleasant evening chatting with her.  We went to msdd anf shared pizza afterwards.  Also met Ann-Claire and Charles in the square and had a drink together. Ann-Claire suggested I should propose to Agnes. I haven't seen her for several days but we are on the same stage and if we meet again I will have to give it consideration. I said I needed a marriage broker so I shouldn't dismiss the ideas of someone who knows us both.

Palas de Rei 7:30pm 68km to Santiago.
I feel fully overflowing with the love of God. The walk here was beautiful but once again it was hot when the mist cleared about 10am. Yesterday the mist felt cool. Today although it made my beard damp and fogged my glasses it was never cold. I got to carry the bag for Wendy of California. I spent the afternoon
1) Lying on my bed for an hour when I arrived
2) Waiting for and then having a shower. If I had showered before resting I would have had the showers to myself.
3) In a bar with Scott from Illinois a priest who is walking the Camino and Steve his father. They left after a while bit not before I had put Mepilex on Steve's blisters and given him some Naprsyn. If I give any more Mepilex away I won't have any spare should I get a nee blister or ruin a piece. Celeste and Eva joined mr just before Scott and Steve left.

The more I tell the story of my Camino the more I feel God is being abundant in his love of me. Sabine had told Celeste about me carrying her pack.  If everyone whose bag I carry is as happy as Sabine then I am leaving a trail of love behind me.

Met up with Joelene again.  She has listened to people telling her to slow down and let the Camino do its work and is now traveling with Linda from Stockholm anf two Aucklanders whose names I have lost in the alcoholic fog. I have no idea how much I drank other than too much. I was never allowed to buy a round anf later the barman started pouring shots. I am now watching the Brazil - Croatia match in the albergue and hoping that Croatia win.  Hopefully by the time it finishes I will be ready for bed.

I think I am the last person awake in the albergue. The Europeans slowly drifted off to brd during the second half of the match. I am very much in lust with Joelene and wish I was 30 years younger. 

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