Saturday, June 14, 2014

11 June Sarria to Portomarin

Sarria 7:20am
115km to Santiago.
This is the town where many start walking the Camino as it is the minimum distance required to get the Compostela.
I have just been looking at Facebook and was pleased to see Sonia's photos of Sputnik and Toto at the SPCA reunion-andEva eeating something yummy in the corner of Sputnik's photo. I took cough lozenges last night so I wouldn't cough and keep everyone awake. Someone else didn't.  Lots of people heading up the road so I think it will be a busy day on the camino.

Portomarin 6pm
People everywhere today so I have been to busy socialising to write. Portomarin was rebuilt in the 1960s when the original town was flooded for a dam. A few of the historic buildings were carried up the hill- the church was rebuilt stone by stone.

It was misty this morning until about 11am and it quickly became hot as the mist lifted. Met up with Rachel and Justin this morning at ny mid morning break in Ferrerios. I left my guide book and credential on the table and had to go back back a bit over a kilometre to get them - including a steep downhill which was then up. Although thetr were people everywhere I only carried 1 pack for Monica from Ireland.

There are no doors on the showers here so I was glad I was the only one in the showers at the time. Also no hooks to speak of so clothes all have to go on the bench seat at the end. Only 2 toilets of each sex and well over 100 people in the albergue so queues later could be long. 

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