Friday, June 13, 2014

10 June Fonfria to Sarria

Fonfria 7:30am
The cold treatment worked well for me. I slept well but kept waking up on my back so the others may have haf trouble sleeping. It took three people looking (including me) to find the light switch last night. Spent a while this morning doing foot dressings for myself and one other then finding the electrolyte for Justin who is suffering with diarrhea. It won't help cure him but it will give him energy to carry on.  Blue sky this morning. I will try to get to Sarria. For the first time in ages I have no blisters - lots of former blisters still healing though.

Triacastela 10:25am
I carried Elena's pack for her early this morning. She cried with happiness.  I had to stop because my shoes fell off the back of my pack soon after. I vput them inside the second time thst happened.  I caught up with Elena at Villoral snd walked with her a few kilometres before she speed off towards Damos while I went slow looking at the village we passed through before Triacastela. Janet and Linda went padt while I wad having a coffee. They say they are having a short day after doing 30km over the hill yesterday so I may meet them again later on the Camino.

1pm Fontcarcuda
If you are looking for this on the map don't bother.  It is a yiny hamlet of 3 or 4 houses and a bar.The road from Triacastela is going a lot slower than this morning.  On paper the climb over Alto do Riocabo looked easy - however much of it was on a muddy track with lots of dung to dodge. The woman at the bar here says it is 10km to Sarria but I think more like 12km. Either way I can make it to Sarria today.

Sarria 9:45pm
Went for a walk this afternoon and was delighted to see Ann-Claire waving at me from a bar by the river. Tried a little of the pulpo (octopus) and I will not be buying some. A serious lack in my Camino experience has been Sangria. I haven't seen it anywhere yet. Charles and I have both over the last two days offered to carry the pack of an old German woman who shouted at us to go away.

Fontcarcuda was an interesting village.  All the buildings were run down. The choices for lunch were epinada (tuna pie) or potato tortilla (omelet with potatoes in it). I went with the totilla which was ok. I met 2 Irish men a little later on the track. One had a blister after a stone got in his shoe. It had also worn a hole in the insole. They haf blister treatment but no pain relief so I gave thr guy a couple of Naprdyn to get him to Sarria. I have already given all my ibuprofen away.

I am also running low on Mepilex as I treated so many blisters at Fonfria. If I give any more away I will not have enough to replace my dressings if they get torn. For the first time since Pamplona I am eating alone. Every one else seems to have gone out rather than eating in the albergue.
There are lots of empty beds here so I am no longer worried about finding a bed. The weather forecast is for 30° plus . If it gets to hot I will stop walking and use one of my spare days.

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