Thursday, August 24, 2017

Day 53 Mackays Crossing to Porirua 24 Aug2017

Walked by Mike 1172.2km walked by Idol 706.3km walked by Toby 515.9km funds raised $12,011

An overcast day today - it threatened to rain but never did.   The target has been met and I didn't walk alone all day again - thanks Tracey, Shirley and Jan.

The down side is that Idol is looking very sore and will only do branch visits and about 2km through the city tomorrow. I am very proud of what Idol has achieved.  He did the first week out of Auckland when Toby was recovering and could only walk short distances.  He did the 2 really difficult parts - Devil's Elbow (north of Napier) and Manawatu Saddle Rd. He has walked happily this week with a sore paw but it is getting slowly worse so tomorrow will be a lazy day for him.

Tracey brought her husband Dan along as support person.  They showed me Ruby's in Mana where I got a coffee and the first cheese scone I have had in ages. Even after bandaging Idol's feet I was early so we set off 10 minutes early at 8:20.  Both dogs walked through Queen Elizabeth Park.  Toby walked though to Fisherman's Table where Idol took over till Pukerua Bay.  Tracey is a great walker and we were well ahead of schedule at Pukerua Bay and got a long break.

Toby then got to run off lead most of the way to Plimmerton and throughly enjoyed himself. Descending the hill from Pukerua Bay it almost managed to rain - a few spits but fortunately no more. Shirley joined us at Whenua Tapu Cemetery and walked as far as Ngatitoa Domain where Jan and her sheltie joined us.

I let Idol out again from Plimmerton through to Paremata Station.  While he stopped limping after a few minutes he never looked fully comfortable.  I have asked Phil Sisson's to bring his dog tomorrow to give Toby a few breaks but Toby will have to now be number 1 dog and do the tricky piece along Middleton Rd.

 I hadn't felt like a break at Ngatitoa Domain where it should have happened and by the time I got to Aotea Lagoon I was famished.  Even though it was only 2km to the branch I took a short break to eat a sandwich.  We got to the branch at Porirua less than 10 minutes late.  They were really busy so the official photo will be tomorrow morning.

I happened to be going past Vivian St at 3pm when the afternoon tea for the Delivery Fair was being held so I popped in for a few sausge rolls - oh I did visit 3 booths including the one for my own team.

I had an hours sleep after getting home and then decided that fish and chips was easier than cooking.

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