Monday, August 14, 2017

Day 44 Takapau to Dannevirke 15 August 2017

Distance walked by Mike 992.2km walked by Idol 633km walked by Toby 391.1km funds raised $9941

An interesting start to the day this morning.  The dogs were very quick to do there stuff so only a short pre-breakfast walk.  Bacon and eggs were eaten waiting for Reina and Joe to arrive but then the routine was all driven by the camera - first eating weetbix and drinking tea looking out the window to get the light correct.  Next was donning parka done several times to get the light right - then blister treatment.  Then the boots on slowly so that camera could get good shots and finally the cancer society hi-viz jacket.

Next the dogs got a second breakfast - I had only given them half the usual breakfast so it could be filmed.  Then 10 minutes late off into town where Bill  Gunderson was waiting for me. It was a quick trip out to Otawhao Rd and away walking with Toby only 4 minutes late.  This is Bill photographed at Norsewood

Toby was with me for the first of 6 bridges today across Manawatu River.  Bill tried driving ahead of me and slowing traffic but I didn't feel as safe on the bridge as I would with him behid me even though a car didi stop briefly. I decided to deviate from SH2 through Upper Norsewood and  have a coffee. A family travelling through bought a chicken nugget for Idol.  A few donations were collected so it was worth the time. Alas on leaving Norsewood I dropped my notes somewhere so for the rest of the day made do with a photo of them on my phone.

A lovely young woman whose name I forget got to put here money in the bucket 3 or 4 times and was being interviewed by Reina as I left them.  Idol was with me for Mangatewai-nui bridge.    This is a long gently curved bridge and the traffic was mostly going our way so vehicles were able to pass with minimal delay.  The Mangatewai-iti bridge was even less eventful as no traffic came going our direction while crossing.

Lunch stop was taken at France Rd and Reina got to ask questions from the first interview yesterday again as the light was bad from that one.

The next bridge Whakaruatapu Stream is wide and Toby and I crossed it alone with no issues.  Idol got to do the last 2 bridges - the Piripiri rail overbridge which is wide and no problem. The Mangatera Stream bridge is short but there is no visibility because it is on a curve.  There was a large stream of traffic behind us by the time I was across. Shortly before crossing the bridge a woman in a ute who waved both hands when I waved at her came back to give a donation.  She crossed to my side of the road and Idol raced off to say hello.  She was incredulous that Idol could be safe off lead.  I did assure her he was a special dog and this is not something I would ever try with Toby.

Reina and Joe left us to return to Napier about 15 minutes before reaching the edge of Dannevirke. It was an interesting 2 days with them - certainly I was seldom alone for more than 10 minutes and I found it hard to ignore Joe when he was filming.

 Christine from Dannevirke News met me at Hospital Rd in her pink coat just as a cold shower started.  She quickly got her photo and retreated to warmer places.

On arriving at the branch I counted what was in the bucket while having a cupa and my second lunch (I have 2 lunches each day) and found I was $40 short of my $200 target for the trip from Waipukurau.  I said I would go out on the footpath and rattle the bucket till I got it but the staff whipped around and came up with a over $40 so I didn't have to. Very much appreciated.
Blog done before 6pm leaving my evening free- great.

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