Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Day 30 Muriwai to Wharerata to Gisborne Hospital

Distance walked by Mike 660km walked by Idol 447.7km walked by Toby 321.9km.

Idol and Toby are now disgustingly fit and needed a walk before breakfast - just 30 minutes through the botanical gardens,

Bea was waiting for at Muriwai while I was still in  town looking for food and buying petrol.  I got to Muriwas school about 8:35 and by the time I was ready to start walking it was 8:50.

Toby walked for the first hour which included the 3 Maraetaha  Stream bridges.  On number 2 I got a long and loud blast from a 20-ish male in a car - I presume we were supposed to swim the creek rather than use the bridge.

The weather was drizzle with the occasional shower - warm so cold wasn't a problem.

Bea did a great job all day - especially keeping her head in the afternoon when the plans came unstuck. The 5th bridge of the day  had a curve each side so an escort was essential.  I don't think any traffic came behind us.

Once on the hill the truck engines could be heard well before they reached us so it was no trouble getting onto the shoulder or over (me) and under (dogs) the armco and out of harms way.  The truck drivers were also very considerate and slowed down where the verge was narrow.

Toby refused to get out of the car when Idol's hour was up - and again half an hour later so Idol finished up doing a 2 hour stint. I wonder if Toby had some pain from his shoulder or paws so I wasn't going to push him to walk if reluctant. He did however agree to come out for the last hour of the climb - I was slow that last hour of climb and to add to the delays I stopped to deal with phone calls

About an hour later I was descending on a right had corner - using the left side of the road.  Idol was looking at the pine cones - and thinking about a pine cone game. I noticed him slip in the smooth concrete drainage channel.  Just at the end of the channel there was a pine cone jst along side it.  I went to kick it for him with me right foot and as I moved my left foot slipped into the gutter and over I went. My right leg hurt like hell.  I was hoping it was just a sprain and after a day or twos rest I could continue the walk.  Then I saw the weird angle my foot was pointing at.
First reaction.  Post to facebook walk over.  Second - take a photo.  Third just about to ring Bea when she drives along and finds me lying in the gutter - and I hadn't even been drinking.  Quickly became I obvious I wasn't going to be able to get up and get in the car.  Fortunately a couple of forestry men were working just up the road and Bea went and got them. Idol took a dislike to one of then so the first thing that had to be done was got him in the car.  These guys picked me up like I wighed 50kg and lifted me to the car.  Holding onto the roof I was ablr to stand on one foot and lower myself into the rear seat.  The joy of sliding doors. I took a couple of paracetamol but they dod almost nothing.  So it was dig me fingers into the seat and grit my teeth till we got to the hospital. 

A nurse came out with a wheelchar.  I told here there was no way I could get across the curb to that.  Next we have 3 nurses and a gurney.  Able to with a little support get over and hold the gurney then drop my bum and lift my legs onto it.

Nurses seemed to have a lot of trouble finding a vein but eventually they got one and put the ketamine in.  Next thing I know me foot is pointing the right way and my leg is in a cast.

I have had a visit from Bronwen and Jasper Holdsworth, Val Peachy and  Derek Craven.  Derek and Glenda are looking after Idol and Toby. They will leave them in the garden when they go to work tomorrow.  I hope Toby's leg prevents him jumping the fence.

I will need surgery once the swelling goes down.  I don't know when I will go to Wellington or how I and the dogs will get there but it won't be walking.

Thanks to everyone for your help this far and for promises of help for the remaining legs that waon't happen now but I will do them one day.


  1. Hi Mike

    I'm so sorry to hear about the injury! You were doing so well - and have already walked further than most of us will in our lives! Wishing you a speedy recovery. Just think, there's always next year... :)


    Carolyn (Technology Comms)

  2. hi Mike

    where are the Dogs ? - do you need help getting them back to Wellington ? as iam based in Hastings- and travelling to Wellington fairly regularly - next trip is on the 15th Aug ....give me a yell if that helps you

    think you should have my number - but if not try me on 021 192 9728
    cheers Alex

  3. Gidday Mike

    thanks for your email and now I understand why we may see you on the 12th after all.
    what dratted rotten luck there. you certainly did manage to give yourself some serious damage there, poor thing! hope recovery goes well and we get to see you hobble in next week

    mike pen
