Monday, July 25, 2016

Day 23 - Waioeka Gorge (Waioeka to Oponae)

Distance walked by Mike 540.2km Walked by Idol 376.4 walked by Toby 230.7

Although the weather forecast was for rain and lots of it we just had showers and clear sky after lunch.

The walk started at the entrance to Waiokea Gorge and ended at Oponae rest area.  It was regenerating native bush almost all the way and the river frequently in site on the right hand side. 

The one farm we went past had a border collie that had escaped the kennel and had half a dozen cattle all grouped up in the corner of the field and not allowed to move.

Toby was very disappointed that I would let him keep any of the deer legs in a heap on the side of the road.

A weka came out of the bush at one point when I had idol woth me he showed no interest at all.

Most of the day Pankaj drove ahead of me and then walked back and we walked together to the car before he moved on again.  At one point he was down at the river side and didn't see me go past.  He then walked back and of sourse didn't find me.  Jst when I was getting anxious he finally drove past.

I had 3 breaks today -  a 5 minute stop about 10am when I changed dogs, lunch for a leisurely 15 minutes at Tauranga Bridge and at Goldsmiths I stopped for 10 minutes to strip off wet weather gear and eat a meusli bar.

Idol's feet seemed much better today. When I went to put him in the car after 5km he didn't want to.get in but he was limping a little for the first 500m the next time I got him out and a real drama show of limping at the start of the third spell.

Toby was very comfortable all day - apart from being denied deer legs.  Both dogs got to wander around while we had lunch.

That;s it for today - short and sweet

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