Monday, July 25, 2016

Day 22 - Waiotahi to Opotiki to Waioeka

Distance walked by Mike 513.3km  Walked by Idol 358.6km walked by Toby 221.6km

After I finished walking on Saturday it was a drive to Gary and Amanda's house in Rotorua.  I started out driving but at Rotoma   I was too tired to carry on and Patrick had to take over. I was drifting off to sleep and almost missed the point where we needed to leave Highway 30 to travel across town.  Amanda had prepared very nice chicken and rice for dinner. 

Got to watch the Hurricanes victory over Sharks and then I started getting ready to take Patrick down to the bus.  I was a little surprised that there was nobody else waiting for the bus and even more surprised when Patrick rang about 12:15 to say the bus hadn't come. When Patrick found his ticket I discovered I had the time transposed and it went at 11:05 not 11:50.  Patrick slept on the couch and I took him down to the morning bus to Wellington.

On Sunday I went to St Barnabas Ngongtaha with Gary and Amanda and was made very welcome and the dogs got to come to morning tea. Showers set in after that but I was lucky and got a 40 minute gap just as I arrived at the Redwoods and Idol and Toby got a walk and a chance to socialise with several other dogs.

Life Pharmacy in Rotorua Mall donated some gauze to put under the vet wrap so it doesn't pluck hairs on Idol's feet.  The dogs got another 25 mintes at the Redwoods in the afternoon before I picked up Pankaj at the airport and drove to Ohope.   Amy had dinner ready when we arrived - and Pankaj took out his thepla and tomato chutney (rather hot) and introduce Coljn, Amy and Cirsty to indian food.  At desert Pankaj had kaju sweets (my favourite).

The dogs got a third run of the day on the beach before going to bed.

This morning first thing I took Toby to see Joanne Allan at Opotiki Vets as I was worried about his limping.  She noticed muscle wasting on the left shoulder that I hadn't till she pointed it out and thinks he has cut a nerve and the limp will be permanent.

 Walking started at Waiotahi at the civilised time of 9:20 in pleasant sun.  Ellie  Collier, the manager at Opotiki, said she would walk with us but when she was 5 minutes late I set off and she arrived about 2 minutes later. Ellie was worried about her ability to keep up with me but she had no trouble at all. 

Toby did the first 5km and then I swapped to Idol.  I clearly didn't have his bandages right as he limped badly.  After about half an hour I redid the right foot and trimmed the padding slipping out around his toes on the left foot and he walked OK.  Coming into town he lost the wrapping around his right foot so I left it off as it was footpaths.  I put Idol back in the car at the edge of town and didn't take him out until the last 2km - where he limped again.  When I took him out of the car at Hank and Sue's place there was no sign of a limp so I am confounded about what the issue is.

Anyway - back to the walk into Opotiki.  We stopped for a coffee at the coffee cart at Waiotahi Beach and the nice man gave us coffee and a cookie for free.

 On the bridge over the Waioeka river coming into Opotiki I dropped my phone taking it out of my pocket and the screen is cracked.  It still works Ok - just as well as it is vital.

Coming into Opotiki Ellie went into some of the shops and got donations.  I tried a few more on the way out of Opotiki.  The half hour at the branch turned into nearly an hour.  The mandatory photo with staff was taken.  The staff had already done a collection for me and handed that over.

I walked both dogs out of town and then put Idol in the car.  Pankaj decided wisely that the Millstream Bridge needed an escort.  It was a little long to do on my own.  There was a memorial to the Moari killed during confiscation at the spot where I swapped dogs for the last time.  While looking at that it started to rain - but stopped again about 15 minutes later.  If I had limited the stop in Opotiki to 30 minutes I would have finished walking before the rain.

Tonight we are staying with Hank and Sue in the hills to the east of Opotiki.  They have 2 dogs that were very excited to see Idol and Toby.  After coffee Hank took us for a walk in the bush.  It was a very steep decent and I only got down by holding onto the fence.  The neighbour had goats at the bottom of the hill and Toby went under the fence to bark at them - they stood their ground and tried to butt him.  Then he couldn't find where he had got through the fence to get back - eventually he found a spot he could squeeze underneath.  Idol showed no sight of a limp walking through thr bush so it must be the way I wrap his feet that males him limp.

Unpacking the car I found the possum treats had spilled and all 4 dogs (mine and Hanks) had  a lovely round of treats.

Where was God for me today - keeping the rain away.
Where did I need God to be today - showing me how to deal with Idol's feet.

To make a donation go to

Sorry but issues with poor 3G data coverage prevent posting photos today

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