Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Day 2 Bhandup to Navi Mumbai

Distance walked 48.2km
Funds raised NZD 3604.24 INR 180212 (plus INR9000 to be banked)

I failed to mention in yesterday's post a small problem getting a tuktuk back from Thane School
 The drivers were refusing to take us in meter but on would do it for a fixed R50. Once we got around the next corner Pankaj knew where we were and we could easily have walked.

The weather forecast for today said smoky and it was all day. Like very light cloud that the sun still shines through.

Mahesh had agreed to walk with us today and managed to get to start at 8am - we were 40 minutes later dealing with traffic.  Less than 1 km into the walk in Bhandup Village we met Mahesh's friend Kamalakar who is an actor and a baker.  He decided to join us for the day as well so from there we were 4.  Kamalakar had a  wealth of knowledge of routes and showed us a few ways that weren't on the map.   While he was changing his shows I had a look at the wood fired oven in his bakery - not too different from the wood fired pizza ovens.

Most of today we walked through lower middle class areas people are not poor but not wealthy either.  By walking you get time to see things that are gone in a flash when driving - like the large number of flocks of flamingos and the 10 metre high mangrove trees growing up to the height of the bridge.
Flamingos from Airoli Bridge

Salt flats at Mulund

These mangroves are about 10 metres high. The reach up from the mudflats to the height of the bridge
We didn't take a first break until we got to Capgemini Airoli at about 11:15 (2 .5 hours). We had a few difficulties getting access. First waiting for the right person and then the guard was reluctant to issue passes as we didn't meet the dress code.  We got a formal welcom and then spent 40 minutes discussing our project with some of the staff.  Capgemini Airoli already has 15,000 staff and when the new buildings are complete it will grow to 30,000 - some of those people will be relocated from other sites in the Mumbai area such as Vikrohli.

After a pleasant sit down lunch in the cafeteria we started well and truly late as only 30 minutes had been scheduled for the stop at Capgemini. It was now very hot and we needed to stop about every hour with breaks being taken at Rabale, and 2 different points in Ghansoli.

I had a bit of an argument with the rest of the group at Pawne. I had 2 different routes, on whet left onto the road to APMC Market,  The other went though the middle of the shopping area.  When I went to turn down the first path the others refused to come.  But then instead of falling back to my alternate path asked a local for directions.  The directions given were correct for driving as t was the quickest route - but I don't think it was the shortest.

The tuktuk caught up with us here and Manesh and Kamalakar took a ride to the finish while Pankaj and I walked.  It was a bit longer than anticipated both in time spent at Capgemini and th 1km walked within the campus.  Bad news is I have 2 blisters near the big toe on my right foot.

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