Monday, December 3, 2018

Day 1 Mumbai to Bhandup

Distance walked 20.7km
Funds raise NZD 3476.95 INR 165569 (plus INR7000 in the bucket)

I was up before my alarm rang this morning as I had a very saw throat.  It felt like there was something in it I couldn't cough up.  I presume inflammed tonsils but fortunately by mid morning that had gone.

The traffic was very light this morning so we got to Mumbai with time for breakfast, first some poha (rice flakes)  which I struggled to eat and then Mahesh took us to Gymkhana (a private club at Shivaji Park for Idli (steamed rice cakes)  and coffee.  A very short drive (less than 5 minutes in traffic) took us to the Mayors Bungalow where we were sent off in style.  (But I didn't see the saffron flag)  The Mayor presented me  flowers various dignatories placed donations in the bucket and then we all walked together down the driveway.

Mr Lahange, Mr Kirin, Mr Krishna Jadhav, Mahesh Mhatre, Me, Mumbai Mayor Mr Vishwanath Mahadeshwar, Pankaj, Mr Arun Dev, Dr Arun Sawant, Mr Sanjay Bhide, Parag Ambavane.

Sushil Dalal was absent as he took the photo.  Sushil walked with us the first hour and a half until Sion.  From here we joined LBS Marg. Initially this was a bit of a slum with factories and a chicken market.  Once we got away from the worst stuff we stopped and had our first break under a shady tree.  The rest of the day and part of tomorrow was spent walking up LBS Marg.

At the second break at Ghatkopar I realised I didn't have any strapping on my feet.  We stopped for a juice immediately after we had rested an eaten and then noticed a pharmacy alongside.  The tape was half the price it is in New Zealand so I brought 2 rolls. I will use it.

Across the road from where we were sitting long distance buses were leaving for places like Goa, Jaipur and Bangalore.  It was really hot now and walking was an effort.  The footpaths are not well maintained and often we had to walk on the road.  Once we reached where the Metro line was being built we were oftern walking faster than the traffic however I had a hooting from a car when I signaled for him to wait for us to go through a gap before he stopped in it.  Later I had a motorbike on the footpath hooting to get past.  I held my ground.  Pankaj was saying this is India you can;t do that and I insisted that even in India people know right from wrong and know when they are being aggressive and putting themselves ahead of everyone else.  I offered to help an old lady up a step at one stage which got declined (and I expected it would) but I still think I need to offer people kindness.

We arrived at Bhandup at 2pm.  I was glad the day had been shortened by 7km as I would have struggled to go another 90 minutes in that heat (32degrees C). 

After a rest and icecream it was off to Thane Municipal Corporation School in Ghodbunder Rd.  This is adopted by CapGemini who have provided toilets, a water supply and activity rooms.. They are now working with the school to improve the syllabus.  If Pankaj and I had known about this program  about this program we may have changed our target for fundraising but it is too late now.

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