Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Goodbye New Zealand

I am awake more than an hour before I have to be.  The nerves are seriously setting in. Why am I flying 22 hours to a part of the world I have never been to to raise money for children I have never met. 

"Who are we whom God has called?
Few of us are wise, few are powerful.
Yet to shame the wise
God has chosen what the world counts folly;
to shame the strong
God has chosen what the world counts weakness" (New Zealand Prayer Book  Tuesday Morning Devotions) 

I have 2 suitcases packed.   The small one has my clothes,,  The large one has half of the chocolate Pankaj is taking to India.   I feel like a smuggler - even though chocolate is hardly an illegal drug. 

My flights today are Wellington - Auckland - Singapore - Mumbai.  All economy class so I guess I will be a little cramped by the time I get to Mumbai.  The best part for me is flying on an A380 for the first time.  Somehow I never got to fly on a 747 and the are pretty much retired now so this is the first time I have flown on a four engine plane since NAC retired the Vickers Viscounts.  (Trivial fact you all needed to know I'm sure)

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