Monday, August 21, 2017

Day 50 Koputaroa to Kuku 21 Aug 2017

Walked by Mike 1100.9km Walked by Idol 670.7km Walked by Toby 472.1km funds raised $11,523

I enjoyed a sleep in on Sunday.  With Idol at agility and Toby at home and able to go outside on his own I didn't need to get up at 6am to toilet the dogs. It was also ice to be worshipping with my own congregation at St Peter's on Willis on Sunday.

I drove my own car out to get Idol when he returned from agility in Feilding. After 3 weeks of driving the rental car it brought out how clapped out it was and really needs to go - it is 15years old and has 396k on the clock.

I had a list of things to do on Sunday evening but procastination meant it was 9pm before I started on them. However by 10:30 my GST return was done, provisional tax paid, sandwiches made for the morning, dogs feed, money from the bucket sorted, and hunted through and found the driest clothes and hung them over the hot water cylinder so they would be dry for the morning - can't put merino in the drier.  Worst thing was discovering last thing before lights out I had planned with Stefan for an 8:30am start but the plan for the day says 9am.

I woke up in the middle of the night cold - it might be time to change from the winter to the summer duvet. Toby is also reluctant to cuddle at the moment so I get less heat from him. Saturday night I put the heater on about 2am as with no dog heat I was cold.  The alarm at 6am seemed to come far to early.  Breakfast - pick up all the stuff for the car - and hit the road on time for once.  The traffic was light and even after stopping for a coffee we were early getting to the start.  I used some nice daffodil yellow vet wrap for Idol's sore right foot.
The Wellington weather forecast was atrocious and I was pleased to have it warm and sunny on arriving in Horowhenua.  There as a lot of cloud around and as the day progressed  it got cooler but didn't rain until after walking was finished.

This week I have a different person from ANZ IT in Vivian St as a support person each day.  Today it was Stefan  Wypych and he did a splendid job. He was making contact so often I decided I didn't need to carry my backpack.  I had my parka on for the wind and figured I could do without the first aid kit.

Toby and I started out a few minute early. Traffic was pretty steady and crossing the road which was required 3 times along SH57 sometimes required a wait. Toby  was his usual nosy stuff and needed encouraging to keep walking and ignore the smells.  A bonus for him was finding someones fish and chips paper with some chips still in it.  There were road works about 700metres from the start but the staff were still getting organised and hadn't started one way flow so an opportunity for collecting cash was lost.

Toby and I reached  Roslyn Rd 7.5km into the trip nearly half an hour early.  Idol took over here.  I was concerned about his sore foot but he was running around like a puppy and showing no sign of soreness.  I took a break at the other end of Roslyn Rd and waited for the arranged interview  on the local radio station.  I was really troubled during the interview by hearing my own words coming back at me 2 seconds later  - I hope I did a good enough good and the promised repeat interview happens tomorrow.

Once on Oxford St Toby joined Idol and I for the walk through town. Collecting through Levin was a little lighter than I hoped for but since the target is well within reach I'm not bothered.  I did manage to collect $AU5 each off two women who complained about having no NZ currency.  I just blatantly said I can take Australian notes but not coins.  These will have to be changed at some point.

I forgot to get a photo at Levin branch. Stefan took a few and will hopefully forward them to me tomorrow so I can include in tomorrows post. The car got filled up in Levin -fuel is 16c a litre cheaper than Wellington.   Stefan paid for it himself rather than waiting for me to pay for it - and bought me a doughnut.  Thanks heaps Stefan.

At the Petrol Station I put Idol back in the car and walked with just Toby until the Ohau River Bridge.
Not far out of Levin it was 100km to go.
I swapped to Idol for the two bridges between Ohau and Kuku where I needed to slow the traffic to my pace.  Idol was definitely stiff and limping crossing the bridges. First is the Ohau River bridge which has a curve on it.  A lot of traffic built up while crossing that bridge and it was quite a long wait before we could start on the rail bridge.  This is shorter but with a hump and the continuing curve is not easy to manage.  Only a few vehicles cam behind us on thei one.  It was then just a kilometre down to Kuku Beach Rd. Once I let Idol off the lead he started running again.  I don't know if it was being off the bitumen and on the grass or if his leg had warmed up but he was happy from then to the finish.

The advantage of a rest day - I was less than 10 minutes late at the finish and feeling fresh.  The dogs however slpet soundly on the trip back to Wellington and Toby is snoring as I write this.

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