Saturday, July 9, 2016

Day 6 Huntly to The Base, Te Rapa

Distance walked by Mike 160km.  by Idol 148.4km by Toby 40.9km

The really sad thing today is that when Idol kicked his shoes off I let him get away with it. 7km later I had to put him in the car as he had a split in one pad - I expect it will be 3 days before he is walking again.

Started out from Huntly with Graham, 2 Joanne's Sandra and Tim walking with me.  6 people and 10 dogs.   Joanne Small and Sandra Rostron set a cracking pace and we were ahead of schedule all morning. We also had Kim taking photos so it was a good troop.  I let Toby off the lead as we walked along the Waikato River bank wanting him to go toilet, but before he did that he raced down to the smelly mud at the river side and had a good roll.

We stopped for a break at Willy Thompson's house even though she wasn't home.  Shortly afterwards I decided Idol needed shoes.  However he kicked them off and since by then it was grass again I let him go on without them.  Big mistake as now he will be out for several days till the paw heels.  Toby will be walking 1hr on 1 hr rest next week which means at least Monday and Tuesday  I will be walking every second hour by myself.

Tim went to play golf at 9am and Joanne Dale joined Bevan in the car part way through the morning. A bit later Bevan got out to walk to Ngaruawahia.  Graham, Joanne Small and Sandra left at Ngaruawahia having got me there 20 minutes early.  Fantastic effort - can you walk with me next Saturday too please.

From Ngaruawahia I had Helen and Belinda, with a dog each, as companions. Belinda had left a little baby with Dad while she walked.  Luckily baby (whose name I forgot) was good for Dad and Belinda got to walk all the way to The Base.  Lou Baker and her  Shelties joined us at Ruffell Rd, and Toby also walked with me from there.

It took me a long time to do the last 300m from Mitre 10 to ANZ but I got a lot of money by asking people for donations.Where was God for me today. In all the people I met who gave me encouragement.

A fantastic welcome at The Base. There was no doubt at all they were pleased to see me - and Toby found more people to pat.

I had just settled down with a cup of tea at Murray & Lillian's place when Bevan rang to say he had left his wallet in a glove box I didn't know existed.  Fortunately not far to take it to him.

I let Toby and Idol out when I got back. Idol looked miserable.  Toby raced at full pace about 250m down the road - I presume he had seen a cat - but some how was to sore to hurry back.

Rest day tomorrow (Sunday) so the next blog will be for day 8.

Where was God for me today. In all the people who supported me by walking with me - and in my angel Joanne Dale for organising it.
Where did I need God to be today - pesuading me to make Idol keep the shoes on so he didn't injure his feet.

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